Just for kicks, this week, if you get to this page by clicking on the link on Facebook, like it as well. I'm curious. :D
Anywho, this week has been nothing short of miraculous! I've really seen a lot of how the Lord is willing to help us do everything He's asked us to do, as long as we're willing to put in the work. We've been trying to find better and more efficient ways of communication, but the Lord wanted us (I think) to see what we could come up with on our own. I'm grateful that He put other people in my path that understand what we were looking for and how they could help us.
This week, we didn't come close to the amount of lessons that we were planning on, but the lessons we did have were incredible! :) I'm definitely still learning how to recognize and follow the Holy Ghost as I teach, and it has really helped me understand how to help those around me. It's also helped me to understand more about myself, and what I need to be doing. I find it very helpful to just sit and be still sometimes. It's best when I'm sitting and reading the scriptures, or praying, because I'm not focusing on the million and a half other things I need to worry about, but instead I am focused on feeling the Spirit, and focused on communicating with my Heavenly Father.
Last night, we were invited to attend a missionary fireside with one of our wards. The scary part was that in the phone call I got that invited us, the bishop asked if we had a musical selection that we could share. Oh dear. That freaked me out. Why, no clue, because I sang all the time in my ward back home.. So, I talked to the Spanish sisters that serve in Eagle Mountain about it, and I ended up singing the song, "Come Unto Christ" with Sis. Quintana. It actually sounded really good, if I do say so myself. :D
Anyway, I love y'all! It's definitely still an adventure as Elder De Leon and I work hard in Eagle Mountain!
Last night, we were invited to attend a missionary fireside with one of our wards. The scary part was that in the phone call I got that invited us, the bishop asked if we had a musical selection that we could share. Oh dear. That freaked me out. Why, no clue, because I sang all the time in my ward back home.. So, I talked to the Spanish sisters that serve in Eagle Mountain about it, and I ended up singing the song, "Come Unto Christ" with Sis. Quintana. It actually sounded really good, if I do say so myself. :D
Anyway, I love y'all! It's definitely still an adventure as Elder De Leon and I work hard in Eagle Mountain!
Much love!
Elder Conrad Hamilton
Keep Smiling!
Awesome sunset on Mt. Timpanogos |
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