Howdy everyone!
This past week has been incredible! Oh my goodness!
So, every year on July 4th, our mission (Utah Provo Mission) has the opportunity to walk in the Provo Parade. I think it's called
something else, but oh well. Well, on Friday, I got to go for the first time,
and I absolutely had a BLAST. Pardon the pun. :) It was super to be able to
reconnect with other missionaries that I've served with, and some who are
close to going home. :( But, at least I was able to spend some fun times with
them. That morning, I also found someone very close and special to my heart. I
found the Blickenstaffs! For those who don't know, Br. and Sis. Blickenstaff
are two of the most awesome people in the world! Br. Blickenstaff used to be my
bishop a LONG time ago back in Texas, but since has moved to Utah. They
recently came back from a mission in Ireland, and then were called on another
mission, but were called to this mission, and they serve from home. It
was sweet to see them on Friday!
Here are some pictures I took on Friday.
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Me with Elder and Sister Blickenstaff! |
Elder Anderson, Elder Newquist, Elder Stevenson and me! |
Elder Stevenson |
Food for our district activity... Yum! |
On Friday evening, instead of going proselyting,
(President McCune didn't want us out on the streets during the July 4th
festivities) each district held a district activity, and we were authorized to
watch "Frozen". :) My drawing of Olaf from one of my sisters now
makes a lot more sense, and definitely means a lot more to me. :D I can't wait
to watch it again and again and again when I get home. :) "Oh look, I've
been impaled." :D Tee-hee.
On Saturday, we were blessed to attend one of the first
baptisms that the Spanish sisters have had in a long while. The Spanish sisters
have been teaching Pedro for a long time, and it was cool to see one of the
ward members who holds that Priesthood authority to baptize, take Pedro into the
water, and perform that ordinance. It, of course, was all in Spanish, but I
could still pick out enough of the words to get the general gist of what they
were saying.
Yesterday, we were all over the place. We've been working
on trying to get out to the Sacrament meetings of the wards we don't normally
attend, and today, we went out to the farthest one (Sage Valley) to visit their
ward. It's still just such a weird concept to so many returned missionaries
that instead of a single or partial ward that we cover, we cover 3 stakes. :D
Kinda blows their minds, and their facial expressions are priceless. I tell ya,
it never gets old! We also spent some time during the evening going around on
visits to other recent converts, and setting up times to meet with them. One of
those couples we met with was Adam and Jeannette, who are from Austin, TX, and
were baptized a few weeks ago. They are amazing! We got a text about halfway
through our services in the Sage Valley ward today, telling us that Adam was
being given the Aaronic Priesthood. Then, about an hour and a half later, we
got another text saying he was ordained to be a Priest in that same Priesthood.
I had thought that it would take a lot longer for Adam to get that far, but it
made me so happy, I had to stop and just go say a prayer of gratitude. It was
such a fantastic thing for me to see on that phone.
Oh, just a by the way, today is also transfer calls.
Check the P.S. to see what's happening in the Eagle Mountain East area! :)
I love y'all!
- Elder Hamilton
Keep Smiling!
P.S. Wow, you actually came to read this.. You must
really want to know what's happening in the Eagle Mountain East area.. Check
the P.P.S. to find out.
That's funny right there.. (Mater joke)
P.P.S. Yep, you're desperate. :) Fine, we'll tell you.
I must say, I've been so blessed to be in Eagle Mountain these past 7 1/2 months. This morning, I found out I'm being transferred, and at first, I was tempted to think, "NO! I refuse!" but then I remembered who makes the ultimate transfer decisions. It isn't President McCune, it's the Lord. The Lord understands where I need to be, and when I need to be there. I'm so grateful for modern revelation, and I've definitely seen my testimony grow so much while I've been here. Eagle Mountain is definitely a place that doesn't look like a whole lot on the outside, but it's a place where I've come to know the Savior and His infinite love for me.
To finish up, see ya Eagle Mountain! You'll always have a special place in my heart, and so will all the people I've been blessed to get to know here! Keep Smiling!
I must say, I've been so blessed to be in Eagle Mountain these past 7 1/2 months. This morning, I found out I'm being transferred, and at first, I was tempted to think, "NO! I refuse!" but then I remembered who makes the ultimate transfer decisions. It isn't President McCune, it's the Lord. The Lord understands where I need to be, and when I need to be there. I'm so grateful for modern revelation, and I've definitely seen my testimony grow so much while I've been here. Eagle Mountain is definitely a place that doesn't look like a whole lot on the outside, but it's a place where I've come to know the Savior and His infinite love for me.
To finish up, see ya Eagle Mountain! You'll always have a special place in my heart, and so will all the people I've been blessed to get to know here! Keep Smiling!
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