Monday, January 26, 2015

Our Study Table

Howdy everyone! 

This week has been so full of miracles! We've been getting so busy, we actually have been trying to figure out who we need to stop working so much with, and really ask the ward to focus on them, and who else we need to be working with more. It's also been a good week because we totally cleaned out our apartment last Monday, and redid the layout of the entire thing! :D It was super cool because while cleaning, we found a long table that we are using now for our studies! :D It's so nice to have a clean apartment again, and to have a fresh start. Our wall above our study table is really inspiring too! Lots of pictures of the Savior, whom we represent, as well as the modern-day prophets and apostles. It is awesome!

Something big that I've learned this week is that I always have ways to improve. It doesn't matter how good I think I'm becoming, I can always push myself a little harder. :) Harsh? Sometimes, but I think it's actually really motivating. I really don't think I'd like being stuck, not able to be any better, at all. I want to continuously have ways to improve. Thankfully, I know I'm not perfect, so I've still got a ways to go! :D 

Anyways, enjoy the pictures! :D Definitely made my week! :D (You can tell which side of the table is mine... the left, if anyone is wondering..) :D 

Elder Conrad Hamilton

Keep Smiling!

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