Monday, March 16, 2015

Focused on our Purpose

Howdy everyone! 

I hope everyone is doing well! We just got the transfer list... <drum roll>

Elder Ales is getting transferred. :( Sad day. Elder Ales has been a FANTASTIC companion. :/ I'm definitely going to miss him, and I'm going to miss all the fun stuff we've done together. I especially am not looking forward to the drive to and from Provo. :/ <sigh> Oh well. 

Well, this week has definitely been a busy one! We were going through our weekly goals last night, which ones we achieved, which ones we came short on, why we did so well with some goals, why we didn't do so well with others, etc. We noticed a dramatic change in both the quality of the lessons we were teaching, as well as the quantity, when we were determined to find "the one". When it became incredibly important to both of us to find the one that needed the message of the restored gospel, it was a lot easier to plan for the people, it became more crucial to us to visit with these children of Heavenly Father as many times as possible. Overall, missionary work just simply became easier as we focused on our purpose. It was an incredible experience for me to see what everyone has been talking about. We've talked so many times about focusing on our purpose and on how much easier and more enjoyable the work becomes when we do, but I guess I hadn't really experienced it, or maybe I had, but I hadn't recognized it. Definitely an incredibly joyful feeling. :) Now, I get to do the same with a new companion! :D 

Anyway! I love everyone!

Elder Conrad Hamilton 

Keep Smiling!

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