Monday, August 31, 2015

Plan of Salvation... and transfer news!

Howdy everyone!

Well, today was transfer calls/emails! :D Drum roll please! (and then scroll to the bottom of today's blog post for the results. :D tee-hee)

I've definitely learned a lot this past week. Yesterday in one of the wards I cover here in Nephi, I gave a talk on the Plan of Salvation.

I've been preparing for it for several days, and by about Thursday, I'd thought I'd figured out where I wanted to go with the talk. Then, fast-forward to Saturday night, I'm putting the finishing touches on my talk, and I think it's ready to go. Yesterday morning, I wake up, and my first thought is that my talk isn't ready yet. I walk over, look at the things I have written down, and it looks.... wrong. I don't know how else to explain it. It just looked like it wasn't right, that it was wrong. So, I sat down, and I prayed to know exactly how I needed to change my talk. I received a few impressions, and so I started writing those things down, and then by the time I'd finished, I'd changed almost my entire talk. I can't quite change my name, or where I'm from, so those didn't change. Basically everything else did. :) I'd planned on just talking about the different names the scriptures use to refer to the Plan, such as the Plan of "Salvation", of "Mercy", of "Redemption", and then of "Happiness". I had the very distinct thought that I needed to focus most on the "Happiness" part of the Plan, and why it's called that in some places. As I changed my talk, I was seriously confused about why I needed to say those things.

However, I knew that Heavenly Father knows far more than I do about the people I'm speaking to, so He knows what they need. So, by the time I walked into the ward building where we were to be giving our talks, I felt much better about my talk. I gave my talk, and I knew I'd done right by following those promptings. There were many people who needed to understand more about how the Plan of Happiness really does make us happy, and not just the "happy" that the world can give us, but the "happy" that is true joy, that can only come as we obey the commandments of our Heavenly Father. I still think that I learned more and more as I studied and read in preparation for my talk than anyone learned listening to me.

Last night, Elder Miller and I were talking as we prepared for bedtime, and I realized how lucky I am to have a companion that wants to work. I'm so grateful for Elder Miller, and for the companion that he is that keeps us both on task in this great work. It truly is a blessing to serve with him, and to be able to learn and to grow from his example. How great is our calling, truly??? :D

That's it for this week! Keep scrolling down for the transfer news! :D

Elder Conrad Hamilton
Keep Smiling! :D

You didn't think you'd have to scroll down this far, did you? :D Keep going. :)

Just a little bit further.. :D (Something tells me that I'm going to get smacked for doing this to people when I get back home...)

And the survey says:
I'M STAYING, but Elder Miller is getting transferred. :( Sad day..
However, I'm training a new missionary, so it's going to be awesome!


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